Lunginnov innovative solutions to assess endothelial dysfunctions
- Anti-human Endocan / ESM-1 Antibody (N-Ter) MEP08 100 µg
- Anti-human Endocan / ESM-1 Antibody (N-Ter) MEP21 100 µg
- Anti-mouse Endocan / ESM-1 Antibody (N-Ter) GGR222 100 µg
- November 17 – 20, 2010 : MEDICA
- November 3-5, 2010 : JIB2010 - 55ème édition des Journées Internationales de Biologie
- October 14-18, 2010 : ESH Meeting - Advances in Therapeutic Intervention and Drug Development
- May 14-19, 2010 : ATS 2010 International Conference
- EndoMark H1 (ELISA Kit to detect human endocan)
- EndoMark M1 (ELISA Kit to detect murine endocan)
- Endocan and tumor dormancy ?
- Endocan as a specific marker of the tip cells ?
- Endocan and ocular neoangiogenesis ?
- Endocan and kidney cancer ?